Physics Faculty Publications by Title

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Author: Kennefick, Daniel

Gravitational wave peeps from EMRIs and their implication for LISA signal confusion noiseClassical and Quantum Gravity2024
Evidence in favour of density wave theory through age gradients observed in star formation history maps and spatially resolved stellar clustersMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2022
Probing the Low-Mass End of the Black Hole Mass Function via a Study of Faint Local Spiral Galaxies2022
Spirality: A Novel Way to Measure Spiral Arm Pitch AngleGALAXIES2022
Early solar eclipse images and tests of relativityPHYSICS TODAY2020
Determining the co-rotation radii of spiral galaxies using spiral arm pitch angle measurements at multiple wavelengthsMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY2020
Investigating the Origins of Spiral Structure in Disk Galaxies through a Multiwavelength StudyASTROPHYISCAL JOURNAL2019
Prospects of detecting the nonlinear gravitational wave memoryPhysical Review D2019
A hundred years of the first experimental test of general relativityNature Physics2019
Darboux transformation in black hole perturbation theoryPhysical Review D2017
The binary pulsar and the quadrupole formula controversyEuropean Physical Journal H2017
2DFFT: Measuring Galactic Spiral Arm Pitch AngleAstrophysics Source Code Library2016
Strong Evidence for the Density-wave Theory of Spiral Structure in Disk GalaxiesThe Astrophysical Journal Letters2016
A Fundamental Plane of Spiral Structure in Disk GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal Letters2015
Reviewing EinsteinScience2015
The Black Hole Mass Function Derived from Local Spiral GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal2014
Constraining Dark Matter Halo Profiles and Galaxy Formation Models using Spiral Arm Morphology. II. Dark and Stellar Mass Concentrations for 13 Nearby Face-On GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal2014
Superradiance-tidal friction correspondencePhysical Review D2014
Further Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole Mass - Pitch Angle RelationAstrophysical Journal2013
Do floating orbits in extreme mass ratio binary black holes exist?Physical Review D2013
Identification of Outflows and Candidate Dual Active Galactic Nuclei in SDSS Quasars at z=0.8-1.6Astrophysical Journal2013
On the link between central black holes, bar dynamics and dark matter haloes in spiral galaxiesMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2012
Measurement of Galactic Logarithmic Spiral Arm Pitch Angle using Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform DecompositionAstrophysical Journal Supplement Series2012
Testing relativity from the 1919 eclipse-a question of biasPhysics Today2009
Computational efficiency of frequency- and time-domain calculations of extreme mass-ratio binaries: Equatorial orbitsPhysical Review D2008
Discovery of a relationship between spiral arm morphology and supermassive black hole mass in disk galaxies (vol 678, pg L93, 2008)Astrophysical Journal Letters2008
Discovery of a relationship between spiral arm morphology and supermassive black hole mass in disk galaxiesAstrophysical Journal Letters2008
Gravitational radiation timescales for extreme mass ratio inspirals RID E-8576-2010Astrophysical Journal2006
Semirelativistic approximation to gravitational radiation from encounters with nonspinning black holes (vol 72, art no 084009, 2005) RID E-8576-2010Physical Review D2006
Semirelativistic approximation to gravitational radiation from encounters with nonspinning black holes RID E-8576-2010Physical Review D2005
Empire of the starsTLS-The Times Literary Supplement2005
Einstein versus the physical reviewPhysics Today2005